Complaints Policy

Any complaints can be forwarded to the following eSAFE Contact Information:
ESA Field Evaluation
Customer Service Centre
4043 Carling Avenue, Suite 106
Ottawa, ON, K2K 2A4
Toll Free Telephone: 1-800-559-5356

Verbal complaints are addressed in the first instance by the eSAFE staff member contacted by the complainant. If the complaint is not dealt with to the satisfaction of the complainant, he or she is offered the opportunity to submit a written complaint to the eSAFE Managing Director.

All written complaints (whatever the origin) are reviewed, validated, recorded and investigated, by the Managing Director or his delegate. eSAFE is responsible for gathering and verifying all necessary information to validate the complaint or appeal and to determine the appropriate actions to be taken to resolve it. Unless additional time is necessary to obtain pertinent information, a written response is given within ten working days of receipt of the written complaint. Otherwise eSAFE, will provide an acknowledgement of the receipt of the complaint to the complainant or appellant and provide progress reports (as appropriate) up to and including the end of the complaint investigation.

Whenever possible, a formal notice of the completion and closure of the complaint and appeals handling process is provided to the complainant or appellant.

Any complaint which is not resolved through this process may be appealed. The Vice President of People and Culture, at his/her discretion, responds to the appeal verbally or in writing. In appropriate circumstances the Vice President of People and Culture will arrange a meeting to facilitate a resolution of the matter.